
What People Are Saying

Ms. Aimee was such a great teacher and advisor during my college application process and I felt so much more confident with her help. She not only helped me plan a schedule for every step of applying (majors, target schools, due dates, etc), but she was also so much help when writing and revising my essays. Ms. Aimee gave me input on avoiding cliche topics, finding my personal story and voice, and even fixing grammatical mistakes. I definitely feel that I went through the process with ease thanks to her, and I would 100% recommend to anyone who needs guidance in the college application process!
Ms. Aimee not only helped me with the SAT prep and TOEFL, she also helped me with choosing colleges, majors, and extracurricular activities that helped me shape my interest. She has been a great support and made me feel confident about myself. I am very thankful to her.
There are many helpful classes! Ms. Aimee, the kindest and smartest among the teachers I met, helped a lot in my high school life.
Ms. Aimee gave a lot of help with college information and SAT classes, so my child successfully completed college applications. When I came to the United States and didn’t know anything about American education, Ms. Aimee helped with everything from class registration, AP classes, SAT prep, and college application essays. We are lucky to have Kai Prep.

(원장 선생님께서 미국 대학 정보와 SAT 수업에 많은 도움을 주셔서 무사히 대학 입시를 마치게 되었습니다. 미국에 와서 미국 교육에 대하여 아무것도 모르는 상태에서 학교 수업 등록부터 SAT 수업과 AP 수업, 대학 원서 에세이까지 체계적으로 관리해 주셨습니다. Kai Prep Aimee 선생님을 만날수 있었던게 저희 아이에게 큰 행운이 되었습니다.)
Meeting Ms. Aimee, an insightful and experienced educator, brought me and my son successful college admission results. Ms. Aimee quickly identified my son’s strengths and interests and helped with choosing a major and colleges. Her SAT classes were top quality. Even though the interaction was online, she had a lot of conversation with my son and even cared about his personal growth. I’ve been to many SAT and college consultants in Seoul, Korea but I can say that Kai Prep is the perfect choice. Once again, I am thankful to Ms. Aimee. I think my second child will soon need her help as well. I hope you stay well until I see you again!

(미국 대입이 처음이었던 11학년 아들을 돕기 위해 저는 통찰력이 뛰어나고 교육자로서 경험이 많으신 에이미쌤을 만나 성공적이고 만족스러운 결과를 얻었습니다. 아이를 정확히 판단하여 맞춤 진로 선택이 가능하였고, SAT 수업은 학생수대비나 수업의 질이 모두 최고였으며, 온라인 상담과 수업임에도 아이와 많은 대화를 하시고 인성 교육에도 신경쓰시는 모습이 인상적이었습니다. 한국에서 강남에 있는 SAT 학원도 다녔었고 여러 컨설팅에 상담도 많이해 본 저의 판단은 이곳은 완벽하다는 결론입니다. 다시 한 번 에이미 선생님께 진심으로 감사드립니다. 곧 둘째 아이도 도움을 받아야 할 것 같습니다. 다시 뵐 때까지 승승장구하시길 바랍니다^^)